5mm Remington Magnum Rimfire by Aguila, 1 Cartridge not a Box.


5mm Remington Magnum Rimfire cartridge, Centurion Brand by Aguila of Mexico. One Cartridge. Click on the Title or Picture to see more Details.

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One cartridge.  5mm Remington Magnum Rimfire cartridge, Centurion Brand by Aguila of Mexico, special run production in mid 2010s, loaded with a 30 grain JHP (Jacketed Hollow Point) projectile and an “A” head/Stamp on the case. Please note: Maximum Order on this item is three Cartridge per Collector.

History of the 5mm Remington Magnum Rim Fire cartridge: The 5mm Remington Magnum Rim Fire cartridge  was introduced in the late 1970 for the Remington BoltAction Rifles, Model 591 Clip Magazine and Model 592 Tubular Magazine. It was obsolete since the mid 1970s, until Aguila of Mexico ran a special run in the early to mid. 2010s, however it is not obsolete again until Aquila decided to make another special run again.There are a few different stories on why this great cartridge didn’t make it: It was reported that some people tried shooting 22 long rifle  in the rifle and there were a few accidents, (as the 22 long rifle is a wider diameter then the 5mm), however, I am not sure if this is true.  But others have said:  The 5mm Remington Rim Fire became obsolete because Remington wouldn’t license it to any other company to produce it outside of  Peters, which Remington owned.  Again a lot of here say on this cartridge. To be continued, someday.The Remington “U” Head Stamp is Obsolete, and the “Centurion” by Aguila of Mexico has an “A” Head Stamp.

Additional information

Weight 0.10 lbs