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A. 8mm Mauser JS, by PPU, Match FMJ, One Cartridge not a Box!


8mm Mauser, #1., PPU, Match Grade FMJ, One Cartridge not a Box! Please Click on Picture or Title for more Details   

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ONE CARTRIDGE, NOT A BOX!: 8mm MauserJS cartridge (rimless and .323″ Diameter Bullet) today’s production by PPU of Serbia using a brass cases and with “PPU 8mm MAUSERHead-Stamp and loaded with a March Grade FMJBT (Full Metal Jacket Boat-Tail) bullet.

For more specimens, see below in related items.

History of the 8mm Mauser J and JS (Rimless) cartridge:The original 8x57mmJ Mauser (Rimless) cartridge used a .318″ diameter projectile and was patterned in 1888.The Mauser 8x57mmJS or called the 8mm Mauser or 7.9x57mm (Rimless) cartridge used a .323″ diameter projectile used in the German Military bolt-action Mauser rifle starting in 1905 and used in World War I and II. One of the best military cartridges to be produced. A great cartridge caliber and rifle action still used today.

Additional information

Weight 0.10 lbs