410 Ga. E, Western, Military #6 Shot, One Cartridge not a Box!


ONE CARTRIDGE, NOT A BOX! The box is for reference only.

For “boxes” please see below in related items.

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ONE CARTRIDGE, NOT A BOX! the picture of the  “box” is for reference only.

For “boxes” please see below in related items.

One Cartridge not a Box: 3″ long,  410 Aluminum M35, # 6 Copper Coated Shot produced in 1952 by Western Cartridge Company using an Aluminum case with “WCC 52″ head-Stamp and loaded with # 6 copper-coated lead shot.

For used in the United States Air force M6 Survival rifle for small game.  They were originally packaged in a SPAM Can with individual boxes wrapped in a water tight copper lined wrap (pictured). Package in 1952, this cartridges have been kept in a sealed container and also in sealed water proof, copper lined wrap over individual boxes.

A short story on shot-shells:

Shot-Shells have been produced for over 2 centuries in many sizes, from 00 gauge to .360 gauge  and also in millimeters sizes.For those not familiar with shot-shells the lower the gauge number the larger the size. A 20 gauge is smaller then a 16 gauge, a 16 gauge is smaller then a 12 gauge etc.A gauge is a unit of measurement in shotguns, determined by the number of lead balls the size of the gun’s bore (inside barrel diameter) that can be produced out of a pound of lead.  A 20 gauge gun size has 20 balls per pound, a 12 gauge has 12 balls, hence the smaller the gauge number the large the bore or size of the shell

Additional information

Weight 0.10 lbs

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