Showing all 22 results
.22 Remington Jet by Remington, *One Cartridge, not a box*
.220 Swift by Western / Winchester, Older “Pre-1961” Production, “SUPER- X 220 SWIFT” H/S, 48 gr. JSP, Box of 20 Cartridges! Box not mint see picture and info on page.
.223 Remington by COLT / Barnaul, 2014 Special Run, “COLT” H/S, 62 gr. FMJ, Bimetal Case, One Box of 20 Cartridges, Boxes Not Mint! Cartridges Mint.
SOLD OUT .276 Pedersen, Military Exp, Box of 20, Sold Out, more available, click on the page.
.276 Pedersen, Military Exp, Sealed Box of 20, excellent, not mint. as low as $49.95 a box for 3 boxes
SOLD OUT .276 Pedersen, Military Exp, Sealed Box of 20, Near Mint** Sold out more available, click on page
.300 Savage, Heavy 180 Grain JSP by Sears/ Federal, One Box of 20 Cartridges
.320 Long Central-Fire Revolver by Eley of London, One Collectible “PARTIAL”Box with only One Cartridge!. (Over 130 Years Old!)
.320 Long Central-Fire Revolver by Eley of London, One Collectible Full Box. (Over 130 Years Old!)
SOLD OUT .577 B.P. Express, Kynoch, Partial Box with one cartridge only
SOLD OUT .600 N.E. by Kynoch, FMJ, has *Tarnish/ Patina, One Cartridge with the *Box!
SOLD OUT 10.15x61Rmm Jarmann, Package of 10 Cartridges, no returns.
7.35x51mm Carcano, 1939 Production, FMJ, Excellent Condition, Box of 18 Cartridges, 3 clips, VOLUME SALE as Low as $59.95 per Box.
SOLD OUT 7.5x55mm Swiss Rifle, RAUG, FMJ, Military Boxes of 10 cartridges
7.62x25mm Tokarev, Russian Military Package of 16 cartridges
7.62x25mm, Box of 40 Cartridges & 5 clips for Machine Gun, NOT FOR PISTOLS!
7.62x39mm, Yugoslavia, M67 FMJ, Box of 15 cartridges
SOLD OUT 9mm Largo, NEW, Box of 50 Cartridges, FMJ, Non-corrosive
SOLD OUT 9x19mm Luger PTP /s (German Police 9mm+P) Box of 50 cartridges
9x57mm Mauser by Kynoch, 1 box of 10 Cartridges, Volume pricing as low as $49.95 a Box!
EMPTY BOX ONLY! 7mm Secret Service Sniper by Federal
Special: .222 Remington by Peters, Box of 20 Cartridges, Box not Mint, Cartridges at Mint with Nice *Patina*, 50 grain JSP, “R-P” H/S. Less then $1.25 per rd.