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.50-95 Winchester Express, aka: 50-95 Win. 50-95 C.F., One Single Cartridge, not a Box per Customer!


One Single Cartridge not a Box!

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One Cartridge, not a Box!

One Cartridge not a Box! : .50-95 Winchester, by Jamison USA , Made from new brass with β€œ50-95 WCF JBA” Head-Stamp and a 350 grain Lead projectile. β€œLive”, loaded with smokeless power. 

History of .50-95 Winchester Cartridge: aka *50-95 WCF.

The 50-95 WCF or 50-95 Winchester Express was introduced in 1879 for the Winchester 1876 Centennial Rifle.

The cartridge is an improvement on the 50-70 Government Military Cartridge, with a very slight necked case.

It has been obsolete for well over 60 years, accept from a few small companies. *WCF = Winchester Center Fire.

Additional information

Weight 0.30 lbs