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6.5x52R Headstamp by S&B same as .25-35 Winchester with117 Gr. JSP , One Cartridge, not a box


25-35 Winchester, 25-35 WCF, 6.5x52Rmm by S&B, 1 Cartridge not a box. Please Click on the Title or Picture for more Details.

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One Cartridge not a Box!: 25-35 Winchester or .25-35 WCF (WCF stands for Winchester  Center-Fire) by S&B, with “S&B 6.5x52Rmm” head-stamp and  loaded with new brass and a 117 grain JSP (jacketed soft point).

History of the 25-25 Winchester Cartridge:
The 25-35 Winchester or .25-35 WCF (WCF for Winchester  Center-Fire) was introduced by Winchester in 1895 for the model 94 lever-action rifle.
The cartridge was also popular in Europe chambered in many drillings and single shot rifles under the 6.5x52Rmm designation.
This was considered a very accurate cartridge for the early center-fire cartridge days of the late 1800s and early 1900s and is still used today, but many major manufacturers no longer produce this caliber today, so I would call it almost obsolete.

Additional information

Weight 0.10 lbs